Freedom Off-Leash Board & Train
This Program is geared towards:
Business Owners,
Busy Families,
Owners that want their dog to get a good foundation that they can then reinforce
Those that live a distance away from Mount Shasta, CA
& all others that have sky high expectations for their canine companion!
Some of our clients pair the Freedom Board and Train with a vacation, moving, or a busy block of time where having your dog trained at the same time just makes sense!
Why Board and Train?
Our Board and Train is one of a kind!
Our real world training approach means your dog will be exposed to all kinds of distractions and situations while learning good manners and obedience skills.
With the Freedom Board and Train, your dog spends THREE full weeks with us. All day everyday your dog is learning how to become your well-mannered companion.
Inside the house, your dog will have great manners and reliable obedience skills. That means NO more begging, rushing the door, tripping you in the kitchen, counter surfing, excessive barking, or jumping on you or your guests. You will have a happy dog with self-control!
Out for walks, your dog will walk on a loose leash by your side and be focused on you. NO more pulling, lunging, barking, reactivity, tripping you, or any other nonsense. Walking your dog will be enjoyable and fun for both of you.
Off-Leash, your dog will come when called no matter what and stay close to you. This opens your dog’s world to join in for lake trips, camping, and hiking adventures. Our clients have reliable dogs they can take on trail rides with their horses, bikes, and off-road vehicles.
Out and about, our Board and Train Dogs go on outings to dog friendly places like Local Parks, Pet Stores, and Coffee Shops to work around as many distractions as possible. This means you can go anywhere and everywhere with your dog without worry. Traveling with your dog will be easy and fun! Instead of saying should we bring the dog… You will say of course we are bringing our dog!
Over-all, your dog is going to be a properly social, good member of society. They will be more confident, have self-control, and be ready for anything, all while still having their awesome spirit you love.
A well behaved dog is a happy dog… And owner!
The Obedience Commands your dog will know are:
Heel calmly on or off-leash. Auto-Sit every time you stop walking. Sit on command. Down on command. Stay until released from a command, Place on your bed or boundary until released. Come when called. Let’s Go which means stay close while off-leash. No, which means whatever you are doing, stop doing it. Good, which means I like what you are doing, keep it up! Off, get off me or get off the furniture. Drop It, whatever is in your mouth, drop it and give up physical and mental custody of it. Leave It, that's none of your business. Wait at doorways and boundaries. Load Up, into a vehicle. Crate, go to your crate.
Your dog won’t just know their commands, they will follow through every time, even around distractions.
Your dog will have impulse control and be in a good state of mind.
They will be Crate Trained and have good Car Manners.
What are your responsibilities before, during, and after the Freedom Board and Train to maintain what your dog learned:
Before their training, be transparent with us on what your dog struggles with, what your specific goals for training are and what history your dog has (aggression/reactivity/anxiety/biting/ past training/ negative experiences/ect.)
During their training, you will receive updates, pictures, and homework. It’s your responsibility to complete the homework (simple videos and cheat sheets to help you learn the commands, hand signals, and equipment) before their pick-up session.
During the pick up session, we will go over all of your remaining questions we haven't discussed along the way.
Show you in person the commands, hand signals, and equipment to make sure you feel comfortable.
Then, we will work with you side by side to get the hang of your dog’s new skills.
Our little joke is you aren’t allowed to leave the pick up session until WE feel comfortable that you know what you are doing.
Our mind set is, cool your dog now listens to us and has a great foundation, it’s now time to transfer that training and knowledge to you so YOU have the same results right from the get-go.
After Training, you will need to reinforce your dog’s commands and new manners at home. If you give your dog a command, it is up to you to make sure they follow through. Your dog remembers what they used to get away with and how they acted before training. Just because they have a training foundation and “know better” doesn’t mean they will always follow through in every situation. You dog will still be a dog, not a robot.
Much like a child, they have their own personality, wants, and needs. Its up to you to make sure they live up to your high expectations whether they feel like listening or not.
You will have questions after you pick up your dog. That might be in the car on the way home or months later. We understand that. That’s why you have us for life to reach out to. Text us, we can talk over the phone, get together in person, whatever you need to be and stay successful. With that said, you also have a follow-up session after training to make sure everything is going great. That can be over the phone or in person.
The Investment for the Freedom Off-Leash Board and Train is: $2,950
This Program Includes:
*A Training Collar & Ecollar Technologies Mini Educator a $300 value
*Three Weeks of Board and Train at Freedom K9
*Picture and text updates during training
*Homework Videos and Cheat Sheets to help you learn at the same time your dog is
*A two hour Pick Up Session at the end of training to teach YOU
*A Follow Up Session 2 weeks after your Pick Up Session. This session can be held in person or on the phone
*Lifetime Support from us
*Structured Boarding access that includes Tune-Up Training
*Access to our Pack Walks and Continued Education Classes
*An Off-Leash Reliable Dog!
Business Owners,
Busy Families,
Owners that want their dog to get a good foundation that they can then reinforce
Those that live a distance away from Mount Shasta, CA
& all others that have sky high expectations for their canine companion!
Some of our clients pair the Freedom Board and Train with a vacation, moving, or a busy block of time where having your dog trained at the same time just makes sense!
Why Board and Train?
Our Board and Train is one of a kind!
Our real world training approach means your dog will be exposed to all kinds of distractions and situations while learning good manners and obedience skills.
With the Freedom Board and Train, your dog spends THREE full weeks with us. All day everyday your dog is learning how to become your well-mannered companion.
Inside the house, your dog will have great manners and reliable obedience skills. That means NO more begging, rushing the door, tripping you in the kitchen, counter surfing, excessive barking, or jumping on you or your guests. You will have a happy dog with self-control!
Out for walks, your dog will walk on a loose leash by your side and be focused on you. NO more pulling, lunging, barking, reactivity, tripping you, or any other nonsense. Walking your dog will be enjoyable and fun for both of you.
Off-Leash, your dog will come when called no matter what and stay close to you. This opens your dog’s world to join in for lake trips, camping, and hiking adventures. Our clients have reliable dogs they can take on trail rides with their horses, bikes, and off-road vehicles.
Out and about, our Board and Train Dogs go on outings to dog friendly places like Local Parks, Pet Stores, and Coffee Shops to work around as many distractions as possible. This means you can go anywhere and everywhere with your dog without worry. Traveling with your dog will be easy and fun! Instead of saying should we bring the dog… You will say of course we are bringing our dog!
Over-all, your dog is going to be a properly social, good member of society. They will be more confident, have self-control, and be ready for anything, all while still having their awesome spirit you love.
A well behaved dog is a happy dog… And owner!
The Obedience Commands your dog will know are:
Heel calmly on or off-leash. Auto-Sit every time you stop walking. Sit on command. Down on command. Stay until released from a command, Place on your bed or boundary until released. Come when called. Let’s Go which means stay close while off-leash. No, which means whatever you are doing, stop doing it. Good, which means I like what you are doing, keep it up! Off, get off me or get off the furniture. Drop It, whatever is in your mouth, drop it and give up physical and mental custody of it. Leave It, that's none of your business. Wait at doorways and boundaries. Load Up, into a vehicle. Crate, go to your crate.
Your dog won’t just know their commands, they will follow through every time, even around distractions.
Your dog will have impulse control and be in a good state of mind.
They will be Crate Trained and have good Car Manners.
What are your responsibilities before, during, and after the Freedom Board and Train to maintain what your dog learned:
Before their training, be transparent with us on what your dog struggles with, what your specific goals for training are and what history your dog has (aggression/reactivity/anxiety/biting/ past training/ negative experiences/ect.)
During their training, you will receive updates, pictures, and homework. It’s your responsibility to complete the homework (simple videos and cheat sheets to help you learn the commands, hand signals, and equipment) before their pick-up session.
During the pick up session, we will go over all of your remaining questions we haven't discussed along the way.
Show you in person the commands, hand signals, and equipment to make sure you feel comfortable.
Then, we will work with you side by side to get the hang of your dog’s new skills.
Our little joke is you aren’t allowed to leave the pick up session until WE feel comfortable that you know what you are doing.
Our mind set is, cool your dog now listens to us and has a great foundation, it’s now time to transfer that training and knowledge to you so YOU have the same results right from the get-go.
After Training, you will need to reinforce your dog’s commands and new manners at home. If you give your dog a command, it is up to you to make sure they follow through. Your dog remembers what they used to get away with and how they acted before training. Just because they have a training foundation and “know better” doesn’t mean they will always follow through in every situation. You dog will still be a dog, not a robot.
Much like a child, they have their own personality, wants, and needs. Its up to you to make sure they live up to your high expectations whether they feel like listening or not.
You will have questions after you pick up your dog. That might be in the car on the way home or months later. We understand that. That’s why you have us for life to reach out to. Text us, we can talk over the phone, get together in person, whatever you need to be and stay successful. With that said, you also have a follow-up session after training to make sure everything is going great. That can be over the phone or in person.
The Investment for the Freedom Off-Leash Board and Train is: $2,950
This Program Includes:
*A Training Collar & Ecollar Technologies Mini Educator a $300 value
*Three Weeks of Board and Train at Freedom K9
*Picture and text updates during training
*Homework Videos and Cheat Sheets to help you learn at the same time your dog is
*A two hour Pick Up Session at the end of training to teach YOU
*A Follow Up Session 2 weeks after your Pick Up Session. This session can be held in person or on the phone
*Lifetime Support from us
*Structured Boarding access that includes Tune-Up Training
*Access to our Pack Walks and Continued Education Classes
*An Off-Leash Reliable Dog!